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The fact that the life of the traditional Turkish community has brought all its features to the present day and kept itself against time has brought Safranbolu to the title of üm Capital of the Protector Geleneksel. Approximately 1500 of the cultural and natural assets in our country, approximately 50,000 of which must be preserved, are located in Safranbolu. Safranbolu's “World City mış has been the success of Safranbolu in preserving the rich cultural heritage in the city scale and Safranbolu was included in the ğinde World Heritage List’ by UNESCO on December 17, 1994.


Safranbolu is known as ‘Paplogonya’ in ancient times. History of BC The exact date of the settlement of Safranbolu in the region, which dates back to 3000 years, is not known exactly. Gasgas, Hittites, Cimmerians, Lydians, Persians, Hellenistic Kingdoms, Romans, Seljuks, Cobanogullari, Candarogullari and Ottomans dominated. Safranbolu, the Seljuk Sultan II. It was taken by Muhittin Mesut Shah, the son of Kılıç Arslan and came under the rule of the Turks. Safranbolu has changed hands between the Turkish Principalities and Ottomans as they changed hands between various civilizations throughout history. From 1423 onwards, the Ottomans entered the firm sovereignty. 17th century. In Safranbolu, which is an important center of accommodation and exchange of goods on the Sinop-Gerede-Istanbul trade route, it is known that many grand viziers and statesmen reside and Safranbolulites take part in the palace. This situation made Safranbolu considered as the backyard of the Ottoman palace.



Safranbolu Houses are the most important building blocks of Turkish urban culture that has been living in a process of hundreds of years. 18th and 19th century. with 20th century. There are about 2000 traditional Turkish houses built in the beginning. About 800 of these works are under legal protection. The houses are grouped in two separate parts of Safranbolu. The first one is known as the olarak City “and used as a winter.


The city consists of the Kale, where the headquarters is located, the Çarşı where the shopping center is located, the Akçasu, Gümüş, Musalla, Kale Altı and Tabakhane districts where the houses are located. This section is located in two low-altitude valleys which are protected against the negative effects of climate. Here, the houses are close together, the streets are narrow. The vineyards are a few hundred meters higher, open to air currents and on larger terrains. Almost everyone has a winter cottage house. Local people live in the house in the winter in the winter and the summer weather in the summer house in the vineyard to migrate. However, sür Çarşı “production and trade life continues in summer.


All houses are more centrally located than public buildings, religious buildings and monuments. No matter what home you look at. Close to the facades of the houses are blind, the plan of the distant plan is open and they follow each other.

The streets and streets to the square in the middle of the city are completely cobbled. The courtyards and squares of the monuments are also cobbled. The existing stone cladding style is suitable for minimizing moisture, resistant to flood waters and suitable for receiving sufficient water from tree roots.


The three main elements that determine the size and form of the Safranbolu house can be mentioned: Large family structure, rainy climate, cultural and material wealth. A husband and wife in a family normally have two or three children. When a son is married, a separate house will not be opened. The family, including uncles, daughters, aunts and grandchildren, all live together in a house. In order to help the woman at home, most of the houses are adopted. The adopted daughter is seen as the daughter of the house.


Safranbolu houses are the most beautiful examples of traditional Turkish architecture. Safranbolu houses are designed to be respectful to the environment. A house does not cover the other house. The excess of rainfall requires long fringes and perfect construction of the roofs. Some houses have 2 separate entrances for women and men.


The ground floor of the house is covered with stone. On the ground floors there are also stables, large boiler furnaces and warehouses. The second floor is lower than the other floors. On this floor there is a kitchen and rooms which can also be used as a bedroom. There is a cylindrical wooden ferris wheel used in catering between the kitchen and the salute. Everyday life passes on the middle floor. This floor is easier to heat. The third floor of the Safranbolu house is the point of excellence. The ceilings on this floor are higher. In this direction, there are gusülhaneler in wooden cabinets in every room. The elders of the family live on this floor. Even the seating arrangement in the rooms is connected to a hierarchy.

Each room at the Safranbolu houses is well prepared for a family. It is generally divided into two types as summer and winter. In the winter houses bazaar area, the height of the sea is between 300-320 meters. Generally, 2-storey entrance section of the entrance to the big kitchen in the entrance of the garden is located in the section of the quarry when you go upstairs on the first section of the sofa section and the rooms are opened to this section due to the gusülhaneler in rooms. On the second floor, the rooms are more welcoming than the ones we call the head room. Rooms in the beginning of some rooms in the private rooms have been used in the private pool sounds were not heard from outside the house to meet the needs of the house and in emergency situations such as fire was used for garden irrigation. Haremlik and selamlık sections were used in the service cabinet. Thus, in crowded guests, men and women can serve each other without seeing each other. The purpose of the houses is that all individuals living in the house can live without disturbing each other's peace and respect.





The Government House, which was built between 1904-1906 on a hill called as a castle, was used as a government house until 19 January 1976 and became unavailable as a result of a fire on that date. The restoration works initiated by the Ministry of Culture were started in 2000 and completed in 2006 and opened as the City History Museum.




The bazaar built on the two sides of the Akçasu creek under the Izzet Mehmet Pasha Mosque is the only guild bazaar where hot, cold smith handicrafts are produced. Coppersmith and tinist tradesmen also work in this bazaar.



In the Bazaar section of Safranbolu, behind the Köprülü Mosque, the Yemenicı Arastası (Çarşısı), which consists of 48 shops, is a foundation bazaar for the expenses of the Köprülü Mosque. Having a unique architecture, the shoemaking activities in the market have been carried out for many years in the guild system.



In order to contribute to Safranbolu tourism, the Crystal Terrace (Glass cruise terrace), which is 80 meters high and 11 meters wide on the Tokatlı Canyon, has a weight of 75 tons. Even with rocket launcher bullets, the glass terrace that is not broken, pores with capacity of carrying 750 kilograms each, consists of 3 pieces of glass with 3 centimeters thickness.



The geological formation of the region has formed deep and long canyons. These natural formations, which have not been considered as an attraction until recently, have received great attention recently. Incekaya Canyon, located in the village of İncekaya near Safranbolu and the historical aqueduct, next to the Tokatlı canyon, the Katır Road between Safranbolu-Eflani, Kirpe Canyon in Düzce Village and the Sakaralan Canyon.



It is one of the caves entering the literature of World Caving. Bulak cave is 8.5 km away from the district center. There are two entrances to the cave consisting of active and fossil parts. The first entry is made by the mouth of the water outlet. The second entrance is made by fossil ores to the left of the hill, which is located behind the active outlet. The cave has a total length of 6.5 km and can be visited with 380 meters.



The saffron flower, which is named Safranbolu and grows in Safranbolu, is an endemic plant with the title of being the most expensive spice in the world.


Saffron plant as a product used only in the middle of the fiber to grow and care is a plant that is very demanding. So it is as precious as gold.


An average of 150 thousand saffron flowers are required to obtain 1 kilogram of dry saffron. Saffron, which has the ability to dye up to one hundred thousand times its own weight of yellow; It is used in medicine, food, cosmetics industry.


Planting saffron flowers with an onion is made in August-September.

The harvest of the flower, which started to open at the end of November, in the beginning of December, has to be done quickly. Because; The flowers blooming in the day begin to fade as the day progresses and flowers in a very short period of 1-2 weeks.



Safranbolu, the West Black Sea Region bird from the sea 65 km. It is in. The transition between Black Sea Climate and Central Anatolian Climate is seen in the region. The city center is based on an interesting geological structure where 3 different canyons meet.


Around you; Bolu, Köroğlu and Küre Mountains are mountains. The district has a surface area of ​​1013 km2 and the largest part is forest.


Safranbolu is located in Karabük, only 8 km from the city center. Away. District; Karabük (Ovacik-Eflani District), Kastamonu (Car County), Bartin (Ulus District) is surrounded by provinces. Karabük and Safranbolu, Gerede, Kastamonu, Bartin roads and land transportation is provided and Ankara, Istanbul, Zonguldak, Bartin, Kastamonu, Samsun, Trabzon, Izmir, etc. There are flights to the provinces.


Karabük-Safranbolu between the municipal buses and minibuses are working. In addition, it is possible to reach Karabük city center by rail.

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